
Shipping and payment


Goods can be delivered by carrier to the delivery address you provide. You select the delivery method on the web interface when ordering the goods. Our obligation to deliver the goods is fulfilled by handing over the goods to the carrier you selected when placing your order.If you refuse to accept the goods without good reason, our obligation to deliver the goods in such a case shall not be deemed to have been breached, nor shall it be considered a withdrawal from the contract on your part. Please always check the integrity of the packaging on receipt of your delivery and if you find any shortcomings, please claim them immediately from the carrier and contact us (see details in the section on making a claim below). Rejection of a shipment with damaged packaging is not considered an unreasonable refusal to accept the shipment. On the contrary, if you acknowledge receipt of the shipment by signing the delivery note or the carrier's parcel list or similar document, the goods are deemed to have been delivered in intact packaging and no further claim can be made for damage to the integrity of the packaging.

The length of the delivery time depends on the chosen method of transport, the chosen method of payment and the availability of the selected goods. We will usually prepare the goods for dispatch within 5 working days after payment has been credited to our bank account or the order has been confirmed if the goods are to be paid for in cash on delivery or by cash or credit card on collection in person. You will receive information about the dispatch and the estimated delivery time to your e-mail specified in the order, or by text message. The delivery time for the goods is usually within one week of the goods being handed over to the carrier, unless explicitly stated otherwise on the web interface. Please note that in the current state of emergency and beyond, if the effects of an emergency situation related to the coronavirus epidemic (SARS-Cov-2) are felt, delivery times may be much longer. If the Goods cannot be delivered within the normal timeframe, or if we are unable to deliver the Goods at all as a result of the impact of the measures referred to above, we will contact you to agree the next course of action and, if we cannot agree delivery at a later date, you and we may both withdraw from the Contract. Withdrawal is then effective when it is delivered to the other party to the Contract in writing by post or email.

The amount of the delivery charge depends on your chosen delivery method and is shown on the web interface. The web interface will also indicate any order limit, which will be reached free of charge.
Should it be necessary for reasons on your part to redeliver the item or by a method other than the one ordered, you shall pay us the cost of redelivery or delivery by another method, unless otherwise expressly agreed between us. In the event that you refuse to accept the shipment without justification, we shall be entitled to reimbursement of the costs of delivery and storage as well as any other costs we incur as a result of your failure to accept the shipment. The amount of the costs will be determined in accordance with the current price list of services available from us on request.
We reserve the right to modify the terms of Delivery and Transportation in more detail in a separate document.



Payments by card and bank payment buttons on this e-shop are provided by Comgate a.s.

More information about card payments can be found here
More information about online transfer payments can be found here
For further information or complaints about online payments, please contact Comgate, Inc.


    Splátková kalkulačka ESSOX